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Dobro Basics Bundle - Open G Buy Bundle (31 videos) Dobro Basics Bundle - Open G
This is a One Time Purchase (No Subscription Needed) of 13 Lessons for Dobro. You SAVE 35% buy buying them as a Bundle vs individually! Lessons included in this bundle: Dobro Basics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Understanding The Fretboard Vol. 1, 2, 3 - Bluesy Scales Shapes and Patterns - Slow Old Timey Dobro Vol. 1 & 2 - Slow and Pretty Dobro - 36 Licks For Slow Songs and Ballads - Music Theory Essentials & Understanding Rhythm and Notation. - Once purchased you have access to these lessons *For The Life Of This Website. You will have instant access to the Streaming Video and also the other materials. After purchase, you can access these lessons by clicking the Menu Icon and then clicking "My Library".
Total (including taxes)
USD $80.00
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